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8 Mouthwatering Vegetarian Burger Recipes You Need to Try

These recipes are completely unique and incredibly tasty, and they will make your veggie burgers the centerpiece of your BBQ. Our burgers are loaded with a variety of seasonings, vegetables that are in season, sauces, and relishes, and they are sure to make even the most devoted meat eater salivate. The nicest thing about vegetarian burgers is that they can be used in a variety of ways, are simple to prepare, and often make use of materials that are found in shop cupboards. In light of this, rather than settling for a meat replacement that tastes like cardboard, choose one of our colorful vegetable selections instead.

Here are some vegetarian barbecue recipes that may provide you with other ideas for vegetarian BBQ. If you don’t believe us, meatless food may be just as vibrant and flavorful as meat-based food. Please have a look at our vegetarian side dishes as well as our barbecue side ideas. Do you not want to throw away anything? By using our recipes for leftovers and summer storecupboard goods, you may make use of the products you have on your storecupboard and your leftovers.

Vegetarian Burger Recipes

Here are some Vegetarian Burger Recipes :

1) Pulled BBQ aubergine & black bean burgers

Pulled BBQ aubergine & black bean burgers

By carefully following the directions, you will be able to make these amazing pulled BBQ aubergine and black bean burgers in only fifteen minutes. You may be certain that they will fulfill all of your wants and needs in terms of barbecue. However, despite the fact that they do not include any animal products in any manner, shape, or form, they still have all of the pleasurable sentiments that are often associated with meat. They are a fantastic alternative to the conventional burger since, in addition to having a high fiber content, they have less calories and fat than the standard burger. Because of this, they are an excellent choice.

2) Chickpea & coriander burgers

Suppers that are stored in the pantry, such as these chickpea and coriander burgers, which are modeled after falafel, are an alternative that is not only easy to cook but also packed with a variety of necessary nutrients. A powerful vegetable main meal may be prepared by putting all of the ingredients into a food processor and spinning them together until they are well combined. You can then finish it off by topping it with a chile and red onion sauce that is rather hot. Following these directions will allow you to construct the food, which may be created by following them.

3) Halloumi aubergine burgers

Halloumi aubergine burgers

If someone were to decline cheese that has been grilled till it reaches a crispiness, what may possibly be the basis for their decision? There are a few components that may be used to produce a straightforward vegetarian burger that has a taste that is evocative of Middle Eastern cuisine. These include halloumi, aubergine that has been grilled, and harissa relish. There is a possibility of achieving this objective via the stacking of the components. To add insult to injury, here is yet another ridiculous classic that you can make in the comfort of your own house in only twenty minutes!

4) Miso mushroom & halloumi burgers

There is no doubt that these burgers, which are prepared with halloumi and miso mushroom, need to be placed on the grill table of your barbecue table. In order to be present, they are begging the point to be taken into consideration. By using miso butter, it is possible to obtain an enhancement in the umami taste brought about by mushrooms. Because of this, mushrooms will be elevated to a higher level. After that, you can make a vegetarian burger that is extremely excellent by stacking them with halloumi, and you can serve it at the next barbecue that you organize.

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Also Read : Top 7 Kid-Friendly Burger Recipes Your Little Ones Will Love!

5) Beetroot burger

Beetroot burger

Get started on preparing the beets for consumption! When you consume these burgers that are prepared with beetroot, you will undoubtedly add some color to the dish that you are eating and eating. The visually spectacular food that is being given here will leave individuals who consume meat as well as those who do not consume meat in a state of bewilderment. After topping it with the vegetables of your choosing, cheese (either vegan or conventional), and chilli jam, you should make every effort to consume it without dribbling it all over the place with your fingers. This is something you should do.

6) Garlic & mushroom burgers

A vegetarian Barbie entrée that is both satisfying and tasty can be made by combining a big Portobello mushroom with a block of gruyere cheese that has been melted to perfection. This combination can be utilized to produce a vegetarian Barbie entrée. This grilled masterpiece can be made in a very short amount of time by using a considerable quantity of garlic butter and topping it with ciabatta that has been toasted to a delightful crisp. This combination of ingredients will result in a masterpiece. On the other hand, if you are the kind of person who enjoys rich umami flavors, then this dinner is the perfect combo for you to enjoy.

7) Smoked tofu vegan burger

Smoked tofu vegan burger

There are three components that are used in the making of this vegan burger, which, when taken as a whole, delivers a big taste punch. These components include tofu, cashews, and sweet potatoes. Despite the fact that there is a little bit of effort involved and that the amount of time that is needed for preparation is thirty-five minutes, the fact that the work that is necessary is well worth it is a reality that cannot be denied. You should not only take pleasure in the fact that you have topped your burger with the delicious homemade slaw that you have prepared, but you should also take pleasure in presenting it to yourself.

8) Ultimate veggie burger with pickled carrot slaw

Ultimate veggie burger with pickled carrot slaw

When compared to the traditional vegetarian bean burger, which is dry, the low-fat veggie burger that is made with sweet potato, quinoa, and mushrooms is a great option that provides a much-needed change from the monotony of the traditional vegetarian bean burger. There is an expectation that persons will come back for a second time, and if they are able to do so, they will come back for a third time as well! Only thirty-five minutes are required to finish the whole procedure, starting with the beginning and ending with the completion.


There are eight mouthwatering vegetarian burger recipes that you really must try, and we have reviewed them all in this article. Through the use of this blog, we have made an effort to answer all of the questions and concerns that individuals have. You are welcome to get in touch with us or share your thoughts with us in the comments section if you continue to have any questions or concerns about this site. Our specialists will make every effort to address your concerns and will give you with a solution that is appropriate and correct as quickly as they can.

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