Known for its vibrant red plumage, the Northern Cardinal is a beloved symbol of North America, bringing elegance to gardens and urban areas with its melodious songs.
Recognizable by its black and white plumage with a bold red cap, the Acorn Woodpecker is famed for its communal acorn storage in tree granaries, showcasing intricate social behavior.
Found in South America, this finch sports a fiery red crown that contrasts with its brownish-gray body, often serenading early risers with its melodious tunes at dawn.
With its rusty-red breast, the American Robin is a herald of spring across North America, playing a vital role in the ecosystem through seed dispersal and insect control.
A diving duck found in Europe and Asia, known for its striking red head and white face, adding vibrant color to wetland habitats.
Native to North America, this woodpecker boasts a crimson head and skillful aerial hunting of insects, making it a striking sight in woodlands and forests.
One of the largest woodpeckers in North America, recognized by its distinctive red crest, excavating large holes in trees and captivating birdwatchers with its size and behavior.
Adorning North American forests with its brilliant red plumage, the Scarlet Tanager stands out among green foliage, foraging for insects and delighting bird enthusiasts.
A captivating sea duck known for its shaggy red head, navigating coastal waters with ease and contributing to the diversity of aquatic bird life.