Spring Planting
Plant cool-season crops such as lettuce, spinach, peas, and radishes as soon as the soil can be worked. As the weather warms, transition to warm-season crops like tomatoes, and beans.
Summer Planting
Continue planting warm-season vegetables throughout early to mid-summer for a continuous harvest. Consider succession planting for crops like lettuce
Fall Planting
Start planting cool-season crops again in late summer for a fall harvest. This can include carrots, beets, kale, and broccoli.
Winter Planting
In mild winter climates, you can continue to grow certain cold-hardy vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and winter greens.
Companion Planting
Take advantage of companion planting techniques to maximize space and deter pests. For example, plant basil near tomatoes to improve flavor and repel pests.
Crop Rotation
Divide your garden into sections and rotate families of vegetables (e.g., nightshades, brassicas, legumes) to different areas each year.
Year-Round Harvest
Incorporate perennial vegetables like asparagus, rhubarb, and artichokes for a long-term harvest beyond the typical growing season.