The reverse crunch is the first exercise on this list of floor exercises to burn abdominal fat. Place your lower back flat on the ground as you lie down.
Place your hands behind your head while lying flat on your back. Raise your torso by extending one elbow toward the knee on the other side.
Place your heels, butt, and shoulders in contact with the wall when performing the side plank hip raise.
Put yourself in the push-up position, keeping your back straight and your shoulders in line with your wrists.
Elevate your legs a few inches above the floor, then start crisscrossing them to form an infinity sign or figure 8, all the while keeping your core tight.
Put yourself in a deep squat with your hips at least parallel to the floor to begin your duck walks.
Start by lining up your feet on a sturdy platform and placing your hands in a pushup posture parallel to your shoulders to complete feet-elevated pushups.